Top "Boost-python" questions

Library for intuitive and tight integration between c++ and python.

How to import python module from .so file?

[me@hostname python]$ cat #include <string> #include <Python.h> #include <boost/python.…

c++ python boost-python
Ubuntu - Linking boost.python - Fatal error: pyconfig cannot be found

Having some issues, now I have read the following: hello world python extension in c++ using boost? I have tried …

c++ ubuntu gcc boost boost-python
Runtime error R6034 in embedded Python application

I am working on an application which uses Boost.Python to embed the Python interpreter. This is used to run …

visual-c++ python-2.7 visual-studio-2005 manifest boost-python
Boost and Python 3.x

How does boost.python deal with Python 3? Is it Python 2 only?

c++ python boost python-3.x boost-python
std::vector to boost::python::list

I have a method in c++ that gets called from python and needs to return a python list object. I …

c++ boost-python
running c++ code from python

I want to execute a code helloword.cpp which takes in some argument from console parses those arguments and then …

c++ python ctypes cython boost-python
how to return numpy.array from boost::python?

I would like to return some data from c++ code as a numpy.array object. I had a look at …

c++ arrays numpy boost-python
boost::python: Python list to std::vector

Finally I'm able to use std::vector in python using the [] operator. The trick is to simple provide a container …

python boost boost-python stdvector
How to get Python exception text

I want to embed python in my C++ application. I'm using Boost library - great tool. But i have one …

c++ python exception boost-python
Boost::Python- possible to automatically convert from dict --> std::map?

I've got a C++ class, with a member function that can take a small-to-large number of parameters. Lets name those …

c++ python boost type-conversion boost-python