Top "Surfaceview" questions

SurfaceView is a widget on the Android platform which provides a dedicated drawing surface.

How to capture low resolution picture using android camera

I want to capture photo and also save it to my sdcard using android camera.I know its easy but …

android camera android-camera surfaceview android-camera-intent
Android zxing - portrait camera preview/surfaceview is stretched/warped

I have managed to use the answer here to rotate the camera preview to portrait:…

android surfaceview zxing portrait stretching
How to resume MediaPlayer in Android after pressing the home button and reopen the app

I tried a lot of methods, I made a lot of changes on my code, I read Android MediaPlayer document, …

android android-mediaplayer surfaceview onresume
Android's EditText is hidden when the virtual keyboard is shown and a SurfaceView is involved

I have a simple user interface: an EditText should be located below a SurfaceView. I use a RelativeLayout to arrange …

android surfaceview
The efficiency about android canvas drawing

I've been wondering if canvas has a limit boundary. I mean if I use functions such asdrawline(), drawbitmap(), drawcircle(), does …

android canvas surfaceview
Android: Dynamically Blur Surface with Video

I am building an Android application where an ExoPlayer plays a video onto the surface of a SurfaceView, and I …

android surfaceview exoplayer
Color banding and artifacts with gradients despite using RGBA_8888 everywhere

I'm aware that colour banding is an old chestnut of a problem that has been discussed many times before with …

android colors surfaceview bit-depth
How to get DisplayCutout height when creating an Activity?

I have a game with full screen SurfaceView (Portrait) and thread that renders continously on the surface. The SurfaceView is …

android android-layout surfaceview android-9.0-pie display-cutouts
Change size of Android custom SurfaceView

I'm trying to create a 2D game engine for an Android app. I've followed this tutorial, which works fine for …

android 2d surfaceview surfaceholder
android view or surfaceView, which should i use?

Ive been trying to make a scrollable/zoomable app and everything has gone great except for drawing bitmaps. It is …

android surfaceview glsurfaceview