Top "Onresume" questions

onResume is an Activity life-cycle event generated by the Android OS when an Activity becomes the top-most one in the stack.

Android activity life cycle - what are all these methods for?

What is the life cycle of an Android activity? Why are so many similar sounding methods (onCreate(), onStart(), onResume()) called …

android lifecycle oncreate onresume ondestroy
Fragment onResume() & onPause() is not called on backstack

I have multiple fragment inside an activity. On a button click I am starting a new fragment, adding it to …

android android-fragments onresume back-stack
How to use onResume()?

Can anyone give me an example that uses onResume() in Android? Also, if I want to restart the activity at …

android android-lifecycle onresume
Android - save/restore fragment state

I have an Activity in which I go through several fragments. In every fragment I have several views (EditText, ListView, …

android android-fragments fragment onresume back-stack
Android - Performing stop of activity that is not resumed

When I push my app to background, and do some other stuff like whatsapp or sms, onResume it works great. …

android android-activity background android-lifecycle onresume
Android onCreate onResume

I have a problem. When I start for the first time my android application, in the main activity both the …

android oncreate onresume
Alternative for the onResume() during Fragment switching

onResume() method won't get called when we switch between fragments more than one time. So, is there any better way …

android android-fragments onresume
Android ViewPager setCurrentItem not working after onResume

I've got this strange issue, ViewPager's setCurrentItem(position, false) works perfectly fine, then im switching to another activity, and after …

android methods android-viewpager onresume
How to pause, and resume a TimerTask/ Timer

I have an animation in my Android app that flashes a TextView different colors. I've used a TimerTask, Timer, and …

android timer onresume timertask onpause
how do I restart an activity in android?

in an app that I am writing, there is a part of it that allows you to change a curtain …

android android-activity restart onresume