Top "Timertask" questions

Timertask is a Java API class.

How to run certain task every day at a particular time using ScheduledExecutorService?

I am trying to run a certain task everyday at 5 AM in the morning. So I decided to use ScheduledExecutorService …

java timertask background-thread scheduledexecutorservice
How to execute Async task repeatedly after fixed time intervals

How to make Async task execute repeatedly after some time interval just like Timer...Actually I am developing an application …

android android-asynctask android-service timertask
Timertask or Handler

Let's say that I want to perform some action every 10 seconds and it doesn't necessarily need to update the view. …

android performance timer handler timertask
Attempt to invoke virtual method

I am trying to make a simple timer using the Timer and TimerTask classes. I keep getting the following error: …

android timer timertask
How do you use a TimerTask to run a thread?

I'm struggling to find documentation for the TimerTask function on Android. I need to run a thread at intervals using …

android multithreading timer timertask
Android - loop part of the code every 5 seconds

I would like to start repeating two lines of code every 5 seconds when I press the button START and end …

android loops timer timertask handlers
How to pause, and resume a TimerTask/ Timer

I have an animation in my Android app that flashes a TextView different colors. I've used a TimerTask, Timer, and …

android timer onresume timertask onpause
Start Android Service after every 5 minutes

I was searching over the internet for last 2 days but I couldn't find any tutorial helpful. I have created a …

android service alarmmanager timertask
Timer already cancelled

I have two timers to manage input(en-queue) and output (dequeue) from a FIFO queue but I keep getting a …

java multithreading timer timertask
Android: Accessing UI Element from timer thread

public Button stb; static int cnt=0; public ArrayList<RadioButton> Butgrp1 = new ArrayList<RadioButton>(); Timer myt; TimerTask …

android timer timertask