Top "Timertask" questions

Timertask is a Java API class.

How do I change the interval time in System.Threading.Timer from the callback function of this timer?

How do I change the interval in System.Threading.Timer from the callback function of this timer? Is this correct? …

c# .net timer timertask
When a Java TimerTask is scheduled in a Timer, is it already "executing"?

I would like to clarify something about TimerTask. When you have the code below: timer.schedule(task, 60000); where the task …

java timer timertask
Android - How to stop and pause timer

I have been running through alot of issues try to pause and unpause a timer, and if I lock the …

android timer timertask
Creating a Java Timer and a TimerTask?

I'm new to Java and I'm trying to set a simple timer, I'm familiar with set_interval, because of experience …

java swing applet paint timertask
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate does not stop when i call cancel

At onCreate, I run a task that repeats every minute. Here how I do it: myTimer = new Timer(); int delay = 30000; // …

java android timertask
Android can't create handler inside thread that has not called looper.prepare()

I started developing an Android application that record a video and I need to gather the GPS location every 1 minute …

android timer handler timertask
How to implement a efficient timeout in java

There are n object which perform some actions. After performing an action a timestamp will be updated. Now I want …

java optimization timeout timertask
app crashing with "Called From Wrong Thread Exception"

I added this part of the code in my onCreate() method and it crashes my app. need help. LOGCAT: android.…

android handler timertask
How can I change my TimerTask's execution period at runtime?I

How can I change period of Timer at runtime? Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { public void run() { // …

java timer timertask
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { punctuation (token) issue

Somehow it doesn't work, according to me it should be this: public void Splash(){ Timer timer= new Timer(); timer.schedule(…

android runnable timertask punctuation android-runonuithread