Top "Bit-depth" questions

How can I check the color depth of a Bitmap?

I'm working on an application that prints a folder of image files, including JPEG and TIFF. The TIFF images are …

c# image bitmap color-depth bit-depth
What is a channel in a .wav file format?Do all channels play simultaneaously when a wav file is played?

I read about.wav file format by googling,all I could figure was that Frames are made of samples(of …

audio wav channel bit-depth
How to convert int32 numpy array into int16 numpy array?

I want to conert a numpy array from int32 type to int16 type. I have an int32 array called array_…

python-3.x numpy bit-depth
Determining Bit-Depth of a wav file

I am looking for a fast, preferably standard library mechanism to determine the bit-depth of wav file e.g. '16…

python audio sox wave bit-depth
Color banding and artifacts with gradients despite using RGBA_8888 everywhere

I'm aware that colour banding is an old chestnut of a problem that has been discussed many times before with …

android colors surfaceview bit-depth