Top "Sublimetext3" questions


Why do Sublime Text 3 Themes not affect the sidebar?

I generally only use dark themes for coding, so it's really annoying that Sublime Text 3's sidebar stays light themed …

themes sublimetext sublimetext3 sidebar
Sublime Text 3 how to change the font size of the file sidebar?

Though I have tried to modify "font.size" in classes like "Label_control" and "sidebar_control" in the Package "Theme-Default", …

sublimetext sublimetext3
Column/Vertical selection with Keyboard in SublimeText 3

I'm on a Mac. I have 7 columns in Sublime Text 3, each 300 lines each. If possible, I would like to select …

keyboard-shortcuts sublimetext3
How to Install Sublime Text 3 using Homebrew

How can I use homebrew cask to install Sublime Text 3? I only see sublime text 2 in the repos. I even …

sublimetext2 homebrew sublimetext sublimetext3 homebrew-cask
Sublime - delete all lines containing specific value

I have a 900mb log file which I can open in SublimeText 3. This file is bloated with lines similar to …

sublimetext sublimetext3
how to install sublime text indent xml in sublime 3

I am trying to install in sublime text 3. I read In Sublime Text 3 - …

xml formatting sublimetext sublimetext3
Fold / Collapse the except code section in sublime text 2

Is there any plugin or shortcut to hide all except code section in sublime text 2? I need to fold all …

sublimetext2 sublimetext3
Merge multiple lines into one using Sublime Text

I am very new to Sublime Text and I am sure this is a naive question. Watching the Multiple line …

sublimetext2 sublimetext3 sublimetext
How to integrate Sublime Text with GitHub?

I thought it would be perfect if ST would have a plugin for syncing repo with the one on GitHub …

git github sublimetext sublimetext3 sublime-text-plugin
How to install Zen Coding (now called Emmet) with Sublime Text 3

I tried searching on Google but have not found any install instructions. Can someone help me out. I am using …

sublimetext3 emmet