Top "Sublimetext3" questions


Sublime Text 3 - Package Control : "No packages available for installation" error when trying to install packages through secure channel

I am running Sublime on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit. I have tried installing Package Installer on Sublime Text 3 using both the …

sublimetext sublimetext3 ubuntu-14.04 package-control
How to get support of TypeScript with Sublime Text 3?

I am currently working in Angular and I get good support of Typescript with Sublime Text. How can I get …

angular typescript sublimetext3 sublimetext
How do I install LiveReload on Sublime Text 3?

I'm using Sublime Text 3 and want to use LiveReload. I have a browser plugin for Chrome already installed. Node.js …

sublimetext3 livereload
Sublime Text 3: Drag & Drop, Move & Create a copy of files & folders

Is it possible to Drag & Drop, Move & Create a copy of files & folders from within Sublime Text? …

sublimetext sublimetext3
Autoindent on Sublime Text

Are there any command/shortcut to auto-indent all my code on the page at once on Sublime Text 3? e.g: …

sublimetext3 sublimetext code-formatting
How do I edit the Solarized (Light) theme in Sublime Text 3

I am trying to edit some of the syntax colours in Sublime Text 3. I'm using the Solarized (Light) built in …

syntax-highlighting sublimetext3
Anaconda Python: where are the virtual environments stored?

I am new to Anaconda Python and I am setting up a project in Sublime Text 3. I have installed Anaconda …

python virtualenv sublimetext3 osx-yosemite anaconda
Migrate from Sublime text 2 to Sublime text3

I need to migrate from sublime text 2 to sublime text 3 to have all the same configuration/plugins I have installed …

sublimetext2 sublimetext3 sublimetext
Change Default settings in Sublime Text 3

After installing sublime text 3 on Linux, I cannot seem to change the default settings, for example: // Controls auto pairing of …

Jump to line in Sublime Text

Does anyone know of a shortcut for jumping to a specific line (given a #) in Sublime Text? Ex: I run …

sublimetext2 sublimetext sublimetext3