I use Google Chrome developer tools and I am constantly inspecting one element against another back and forth to find …
css google-chrome google-chrome-extension styles google-chrome-devtoolsHere is my file input on different browsers. IE10 uses an horrible default style. Any idea about how to remove …
css file input styles internet-explorer-10What's the best way to create great looking charts in Java? It looks like the main option for charting is …
java charts styles jfreechartI have a user control that applies a style to button, with the style containing a ControlTemplate section. Within the …
wpf styles controltemplateI've done it this way: <Style x:Key="Button" BasedOn="{StaticResource LoginButton}" TargetType="Button"> <Setter Property="Template"&…
wpf triggers styles controltemplateIf I assign a piece of text to the Content property of a ContentPresenter, a TextBlock control is generated by …
wpf styles contentpresenter