Top "Styles" questions


WPF: Style based on another one in a separate assembly

Assembly A - ResourceDictionary contains StyleA style. Assembly B - ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries to merge resources from Assembly A into B. …

wpf resources styles resourcedictionary mergeddictionaries
Android button textAppearance

I can change button text appearance by setting it right within object like this: <Button android:id="@+id/login_…

android button styles appearance
BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TextBox}}" in Code Behind for Style

How can you set the following in code behind? <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TextBox}}"&…

c# wpf xaml styles basedon
WPF - Setting different ToggleButton image for each TreeViewItem root node with styles

I am new to using styles, resources and templates in WPF. What I need to do is override the ToggleButton +/…

wpf resources styles treeviewitem togglebutton
How to align content of legend to left in Microsoft .net chart?

I have legend text of varying length and need to align the legend items to the left of the legend …

c# charts styles
How to add a border to an item in a ItemsControl?

I am trying to set a border to each item from a items control. Following is my XAML code. But …

wpf xaml styles border itemscontrol
Simplest way to cascade styles in react native

I see that in react native if I set a fontFamily in a, for example, a View, the inner elements …

react-native styles cascade
Android action bar tab bar divider

I am having problem setting the drawable for the divider. My style.xml looks like this: <resources xmlns:android="…

android styles themes tabbar divider
Chrome developer tools Style tab showing faded CSS definition, why?

I've been using Chrome for a long time now and I've never (well not that I can recall) come across …

css google-chrome styles
WPF Setting Image.Source from DataTrigger

I'm trying to define a DataTrigger for an Image element so that it shows a connected/disconnected image. I keep …

wpf image styles datatrigger