WPF: Style based on another one in a separate assembly

Gus Cavalcanti picture Gus Cavalcanti · Mar 31, 2009 · Viewed 13.4k times · Source

Assembly A - ResourceDictionary contains StyleA style.
Assembly B - ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries to merge resources from Assembly A into B.

I would like to create a style in Assembly B "based on" StyleA. Is it possible?

I am trying to create this style:

<Style x:Key="StyleB" BasedOn="{StaticResource StyleA}">
   <Setter Property="Button.Foreground" Value="Khaki"/>

But I get a XamlParseException exception at run-time, if I use StyleB:

Cannot convert the value in attribute 'Style' to object of type 'System.Windows.Style'. Can only base on a Style with target type that is base type 'IFrameworkInputElement'. Error at object 'System.Windows.Controls.Button' in markup file 'SamSeekApp;component/mainwindow.xaml'


Richard Davis picture Richard Davis · Apr 1, 2009

Try adding TargetType="{x:Type Button}" to your 'StyleB'.