Top "Treeviewitem" questions

A tree view item is an element or node of a tree view.

Highlight whole TreeViewItem line in WPF

If I set TreeViewItem Background it highlights the header only. How can I highlight the whole line? I have found …

wpf templates treeviewitem
Context Menu for XAML Treeviewitem (Distinguished by different attributes)

In XAML, how do you define a context menu for treeviewitems that are distinguished by different attributes?

wpf xaml contextmenu treeviewitem
WPF Double Click TreeviewItem Child Node

I have a treeview Item as such in a treeview that will have a list bound to it: <TreeViewItem …

wpf treeview double-click treeviewitem
Setting IsExpanded on a WPF TreeViewItem from a DataTrigger

I'm trying to set the IsExpanded property of my TreeView items using a conditional template, in the XAML: <DataTrigger …

c# wpf xaml treeview treeviewitem
In WPF, how do I select the treeview item under my cursor on right-click?

In WPF, when I right-click on a treeview item I would like it to be Selected/Activated before showing the …

wpf treeview treeviewitem
Why is the TreeViewItem's MouseDoubleClick event being raised multiple times per double click?

XAML <TreeView Name="GroupView" ItemsSource="{Binding Documents}"> <TreeView.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type TreeViewItem}"> &…

wpf treeview mouseevent treeviewitem
WPF TreeViewItem Background

How can I change the Background of a selected TreeViewItem when the TreeView (or the Application) looses Focus. A selected …

wpf background focus treeviewitem
WPF - Setting different ToggleButton image for each TreeViewItem root node with styles

I am new to using styles, resources and templates in WPF. What I need to do is override the ToggleButton +/…

wpf resources styles treeviewitem togglebutton
How to prevent selection of a TreeViewItem based on a condition

I have wpf TreeView -- bound to some data. The Treeview resides on the left hand of a window divided …

wpf xaml treeview treeviewitem
WPF TreeView how to add TreeViewItem control template for child elements of TreeViewItem

how do I create treeview like this one: <TreeViewItem Header="Customers" ItemsSource="{Binding Customers}"> Customers Anna Delete Open …

c# wpf mvvm treeview treeviewitem