Top "Treeviewitem" questions

A tree view item is an element or node of a tree view.

WPF treeview item background over entire row

i am writing one app and i need to set background under entire row by items. I found some inspiration …

c# wpf treeview wpf-controls treeviewitem
Binding SelectedItem in a HierarchicalDataTemplate-applied WPF TreeView

I have a data-bound TreeView and I want to bind SelectedItem. This attached behavior works perfectly without HierarchicalDataTemplate but with …

wpf data-binding treeview treeviewitem hierarchicaldatatemplate
Change highlight color in hierarchical TreeView

I have got a TreeView with a HierarchicalDataTemplate. <HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="treeViewItemTemplate" ItemsSource="{Binding GetChildren}"> <DockPanel Margin="0,8,8,0"&…

.net wpf treeview highlight treeviewitem
Show treeview items connected with lines?

Is there a way to make the treeview show lines connecting items when we expand them? Thanks!

c# wpf treeview treeviewitem
Apply style to all TreeViewItem

Hi The problem am having is that I have multiple TreeView control and each TreeView has its own TreeViewItem styles, …

c# wpf treeview treeviewitem
Angular 4 ngx-treeview integration with json response

I'm currently new to angular 4 and using ngx-treeview( to get the tree structure. Using …

angular treeview treeviewitem
Get TreeViewItem's parent in HierarchicalDataTemplate in WPF

I am merging two examples found on the internet. One about stretched selection styles and one about multi-selection in a …

c# wpf xaml treeviewitem
Add icon to WPF TreeViewItem at runtime

There are many samples demonstrating this in XAML, such as the following: <TreeViewItem> <TreeViewItem.Header> <…

.net wpf treeview icons treeviewitem