I have following custom button view. public class PrayerTimeLabel extends Button { int hours; int minutes; String dayHalf; //am or pm …
android styles custom-componentWhich C# XML documentation comment tag is used for the literals true, false and null? In Microsoft's own documentation, these …
c# styles literals xml-documentationOkay, I've not done much WPF lately and this is confusing me. I have a Style defined for RadioButton, which …
wpf triggers styles controltemplate multitriggerI am trying to figure out the best way to create a style/trigger to set foreground to Red, when …
wpf triggers styles textblock datatriggerHow can i remove the drop shadow of action bar from java code ?. If i remove from the style it …
android styles android-actionbar android-theme dropshadowI'm trying to apply style to Android popup menu. Menu is shown on button click. In my example I want …
android background styles popupmenuI have two libraries and a single application assembly project layout and I'm wondering how can I reference styles by …
wpf assemblies styles resourcedictionary mergeddictionariesI am writing a custom user control, called MyUserControl. I have many DependecyProperties for it, which I use in the …
wpf triggers dependencies styles custom-propertiesI'm looking to have the foreground of the text of a TabItem change whenever the tab becomes active. I was …
wpf styles tabitemIn order to use Chip and ChipGroup, I set Application style extends Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar int manifests.xml, then …
android styles themes