Top "Struts" questions

The Apache Struts web framework is a free open-source solution for creating Java web applications.

How I hide empty Velocity variable names?

I am using Struts + Velocity in a Java application, but after I submit a form, the confirmation page (Velocity template) …

java templates struts velocity
AJAX file upload/form submit without jquery or iframes?

Is it possible to do an AJAX form submit without jQuery or IFrames (so just pure JavaScript)? I'm currently sending …

javascript ajax struts asyncfileupload
Servlets vs MVC frameworks

I very often come across this question of why we have got lots of web frameworks addressing the same or …

jsp web-applications servlets spring-mvc struts
How to integrate an old Struts application with Spring 3.x

i was wondering how to and what the prefered way of integrating an Struts 1.x application with Spring 3.x so …

spring struts inversion-of-control integration
Struts 1 Date Format Tag

Is there any tag in Struts1 tag library which can format a java.util.Date object? In Struts 2, I can …

java jsp struts struts-1
Struts: HTML Option Selected?

In struts, it seems there is no "selected" option. The HTML option tag has a selected attribute such that you …

html struts option selected
How to change ActionForward with dynamic params in Struts 2

While migrating the application from Struts 1 to Struts 2 In some of the places, the same action class has been used …

java struts2 migration struts actionresult
Cross-Site Scripting: Poor Validation (Input Validation and Representation, Data Flow)

I have scan my application in HP fortify portal and getting an issue Cross-Site Scripting: Poor Validation (Input Validation and …

java struts fortify esapi
Writing a string property of an object with <html:text />

I've got an object in my form that contains various string properties. When I want to print it in my …

java struts struts-1 html-input struts-html
struts tag for button call Action

Just wondering if anyone has ever seen or written a customer tag to call Struts2 Actions. What I'm looking for …

struts2 tags struts tld struts-action