Top "Struts" questions

The Apache Struts web framework is a free open-source solution for creating Java web applications.

Restrict HTTP requests to 'POST' only in Struts 1.x

Is there a configurable way in Struts 1.x so my action classses are only executed on HTTP 'POST' only. I …

java http struts
<html:radio> Check radio button default in struts html tag

How to set radio button checked by default in struts html tag ? <html:radio name="RegisterForm" property="Group" value="&…

struts struts-1
Confusing about Global forward and Action mapping

for example <global-forwards> <forward name="welcome" path="/"/> </global-forwards> <action-mappings> <…

struts struts-1 struts-config
How can I test if a given request parameter is present using Struts tags?

Some pages can receive a certain request parameter called "P1": Right now a scriptlet is testing …

jakarta-ee struts taglib http-request-parameters
how many values available for scope attribute in action element of struts-config.xml file

How many values available for "scope" attribute in "action" element of struts-config.xml file other than "request" and "session"? <…

java jsp scope struts
Supplying credentials safely to a RESTFUL API

I've created a RESTful server app that sits and services requests at useful URLs such as…

java rest struts passwords
How to remove Nothing Found To Display in Display Tag of Struts 1.3

I want to remove the message Nothing Found to Display in Struts 1.3 Display Tag , When no record fetch from database. …

struts displaytag
How to pass JSP variable value to this Struts tag

I want to set the JSP variable value to the struts tag <s:set var="" value="">, in the …

java jsp struts2 struts struts2-jquery
What is the difference between DynaActionForm and ActionForm?

What is the difference between DynaActionForm and ActionForm ? Someone said DynaActionForm is not really dynamic since you still have to …

java struts struts-config actionform
Java server cpu usage at 100% after two days continous running with about 110 users

I have a tomcat 6.0.20, apr 1.2, jdk 1.6.0_15 with mysql 5.1.38 running on a rhel box with 4 GB ram. There is one simple …

java tomcat struts toplink permgen