Top "Struts" questions

The Apache Struts web framework is a free open-source solution for creating Java web applications.

Why do we need global-forwards and global-exceptions in struts?

I have a basic question in struts why do we need to have <global-forwards>and <global-exceptions> …

java jakarta-ee struts
Examples of Websites built using Spring, Play Framework, Struts

I am a beginner in Java and going to build a webapp that allows developers to work online on their …

java spring struts playframework
Cross-site request forgery prevention using struts token

I want to implement Cross-site request forgery prevention for my web application which is base on struts 1.x framework. I …

java struts cross-domain struts-1
How can I pass form input value to an Action (struts 1)

I'm new using struts. I need to pass the form value to an action when I submit the form. I …

java forms jsp struts struts-1
How to pass an object from a JSP form to an Action class in Struts2 without defining all form fields as a class property?

To make the question clear I make an example: consider theSubscriber form defined bellow in first.jsp: <s:form …

java jsp struts2 struts ognl
Cannot find message resources under key org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE in struts

I am getting the following error in the browser window : org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.…

struts struts-1
How to get the real request URL in Struts with Tiles?

When you're using Tiles with Struts and do... request.getRequestURL() get the URL to e.g. /WEB-INF/jsp/layout/…

java servlets struts tiles
AJAX vs Form Submission

We pull data from server and for that If we are using Struts, then we can pull either by submitting …

java ajax struts form-submit
File "/struts-tags" not found in Struts 1.3

I wrote a conditional if else tag inside a logic:iterate in jsp as below:- <s:if test="%{#…

java struts struts-1
Check empty string in jsp

How to check for Empty String/Null String in Struts-JSP page. Struts Tag - does not works?

jsp struts