Top "Struts" questions

The Apache Struts web framework is a free open-source solution for creating Java web applications.

How can I set the welcome page to a struts action?

I have a struts-based webapp, and I would like the default "welcome" page to be an action. The only solutions …

java jsp struts2 struts
Whats the difference between Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x

I would like to know the difference between Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x

jakarta-ee struts2 struts struts-1
How to prevent JPA from rolling back transaction?

Methods invoked: 1. Struts Action 2. Service class method (annotated by @Transactional) 3. Xfire webservice call Everything including struts (DelegatingActionProxy) and transactions is …

java hibernate spring jpa struts
Basic flow of Struts

Well I want to study Struts so I am going to begin with Struts 1, I would like to know the …

struts struts-validation struts-config
Getting a 'No thread-bound request found' error from spring in my web app

I'm getting a 'No thread-bound request found' error in my web app and hoping to get some help. I'm trying …

java hibernate spring struts2 struts
Difference between Oracle ATG and Struts?

What is the difference between Oracle ATG and Struts?

java model-view-controller struts atg
How to get the original request url from a servlet/jsp after multiple servlet forwards

I am working on a cruise booking app using struts/tiles that uses multiple internal servlet/jsp forwards to reach …

java servlets jakarta-ee struts tiles
MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operations allowed after connection closed.Connection

I built an web application and deployed locally working perfect. I deployed it on a remote server and started getting …

java hibernate tomcat struts
Struts 1 - How to display ActionMessages

I am displaying ActionMessages through a JSP file by the following command: <logic:messagesPresent message="true"> <ul …

java struts struts-1
How do I access Locale from a JSP?

I want to include a js file depending on the value of the current Locale. I have tried to access …

jsp struts locale