Top "Struts" questions

The Apache Struts web framework is a free open-source solution for creating Java web applications.

Prevent IE caching

I am developing a Java EE web application using Struts. The problem is with Internet Explorer caching. If an user …

java internet-explorer jsp struts browser-cache
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for property

I am unable to find out what I am doing wrong. I am bound to use Form Bean within Form …

java struts struts-1
Cannot create message: incorrect content-type for SOAP version. Got text/xml; charset=UTF-8, but expected application/soap+xml

I am trying to use the large merchant services API provided by eBay to upload files onto eBay. They have …

java soap struts ebay-api ebay-lms
How to fetch hibernate query result as associative array of list or hashmap

I am developing an application in struts 2 and hibernate 3. I have 3 tables Inspection InspectionMission Timeline Inspection is associated with InspectionMission …

java hibernate struts
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Document is invalid: no grammar found.

I'm getting the errors in my Struts application, on my development machine, saying apparently my config files have errors (which …

java exception struts struts-config
Java web application Front end

I have a large application that is using Java on the backend and struts, Jsp and JSTL tag library on …

java spring jakarta-ee web struts
Controller in Struts

What is Controller in MVC ? Is it struts.xml or Servlet (Action Class)? Can we have more than one Controller …

java model-view-controller design-patterns jakarta-ee struts
HTTP Status 503 - Servlet action is currently unavailable

I am using spring source dm server version 2.0.0. I developed one application in spring/struts/hibernate. When I am running …

struts web-applications springsource-dm-server
why are struts Action classes not thread safe?

I can read in many websites that Struts Action classes are not thread safe . I am not able to understand …

java struts2 struts
Multiple Submit button in Struts 1.3

I have this code in my JSP: <%@taglib uri="" prefix="html"%> .. .. <html:…

struts struts-1