Top "Ognl" questions

OGNL stands for Object-Graph Navigation Language.

What's the difference between # , % and $ signs in Struts tags?

I'm working with Struts2 and when I'm accessing value stack variables I don't know whether to use % or # or $. I …

jsp struts2 ognl struts-tags
Format number in Struts 2 <s:property/> tag

I would like to format number displayed by <s:property value=""/> tag in Struts 2. There is …

java struts2 ognl
<s:if> test expression evaluation for boolean value doesn't work as expected

I want to check value of variable bool_val using Struts2 tag <s:if> but it's not working. &…

java jsp struts2 ognl boolean-expression
To access the index value of struts iterator in scriptlet array index

I am a newbie in web development. Using Struts2, I have a comma separated String of my images captions. While …

java jsp struts2 ognl
Struts 2 nesting iterators

I can't believe how something this simple can seem so hard to do in Struts 2. This is approximately what I …

jsp struts2 iterator nested ognl
How to compare two strings using Struts2 tags and OGNL?

I am trying to compare two values : one from session and anther from iterator <s:iterator value="themes" status="…

java jsp struts2 ognl struts-tags
How to pass an object from a JSP form to an Action class in Struts2 without defining all form fields as a class property?

To make the question clear I make an example: consider theSubscriber form defined bellow in first.jsp: <s:form …

java jsp struts2 struts ognl
Comparing Strings in Struts2 <s:if> Tag

I have an index.jsp page wherein certain elements turn on/off depending on whether the user has logged in …

java jsp struts2 ognl
OGNL Hello World in Java

I need to use OGNL for reading some properties from Java object. OGNL is completely new thing to me. The …

comparing two valuestack string values in JSP - struts2

Thanks in advance for your time. I need to preselect a radio button if it has a saved value. I …

struts2 ognl