Top "Ognl" questions

OGNL stands for Object-Graph Navigation Language.

Struts 2 radio button list

am working on Struts 2 radio button. I want to retrieve the list from my action class but it is giving …

java jsp struts2 ognl valuestack
Struts2: Updating the values of a "List Of Objects" inside a Map

There is an object ObjectA which has a list of ObjectB. There is a TreeMap inside the ObjectB. This TreeMap …

java collections struts2 treemap ognl
Benefits to using Spring EL over OGNL?

I was wondering what exactly moved Spring to use Spring EL over OGNL in its web flow product: http://static.…

java spring spring-webflow ognl spring-el
Mybatis If statements using include properties

I'm trying to create a generic SQL include in Mybatis that will apply a comparator given a particular value. The …

java postgresql mybatis dynamic-sql ognl
How to check if List contains the particular element or not in Struts2?

I have tried to check if the List contains particular element or not using Struts 2 in <s:if> …

java jsp struts2 ognl
How to use multiple forms / actions in a single view in Struts 2

I have a search box which is displayed on every page. The JSP code for the search box is inserted …

java jsp struts2 ognl valuestack
Struts 2 passing data from JSP to action class

I'm trying to understand somebody's else Struts 2 code and I'm stuck with a data passing problem. I know that on …

java jsp struts2 ognl
Checking whether a element present in List using mvel

I had a list with me. The list is like. List<String> locations=new ArrayList<String>(); …

java ognl mvel
Using a LabelValueBean properly

I have a variable: private ArrayList<LabelValueBean> circleNameIdList; inside my Action class where it's value get populated. I …

java jsp jakarta-ee struts2 ognl