Top "Mvel" questions

MVEL is a powerful expression language for Java-based applications.

What is Mvel dialect in Drools?

I am new to Drools. I am creating a rule but I get a compile time error "field is not …

drools mvel
Conditional Sorting in ElasticSearch

I have some documents that I would like to sort on a date field. For documents with date equal to …

sorting elasticsearch mvel date-sorting
Drools rule iterate collections and verify property

With Drools Rules "mvel" how to iterate over a collection and verify a property for each object in the collection?

rules drools mvel
Mvel evaluation

Problem Statement: Say I have a expression (a + b + c), and I want to calculate its value and assign to …

java drools mvel
Checking whether a element present in List using mvel

I had a list with me. The list is like. List<String> locations=new ArrayList<String>(); …

java ognl mvel
remove objects from array elastic search

I have required to remove object from array that satisfies the condition, I am able to update the object of …

node.js elasticsearch mvel
Define and reuse MVEL function

Is it possible to define some custom precompiled function with MVEL and use one in another compiled expressions? If I …

java function embedding evaluation mvel
Drools: Differences between the mvel and java dialects

As a newbie to Drools, I'm confused about the differences between the mvel and java dialects and the relative pros …

java drools mvel