i was wondering how to and what the prefered way of integrating an Struts 1.x application with Spring 3.x so we can benefit from the IOC stuff.
Use ContextLoaderPlugin and set the struts controller to the processorClass "AutowiringRequestProcessor" like this (in struts-config.xml):
<set-property property="processorClass" value="org.springframework.web.struts.AutowiringRequestProcessor" />
<plug-in className="org.springframework.web.struts.ContextLoaderPlugIn">
<set-property property="contextConfigLocation" value="/WEB-INF/config/action-servlet.xml"/>
action-servlet.xml has to be an empty beans context file:
Add the following init parameter to the ActionServlet in web.xml:
Just write regular struts actions, and add the annotation "@Component" to every action so that spring will discover the actions and creates a bean out of it. The "AutowiringRequestProcessor" will find the right bean that matches the action class defined in your struts-config.xml.
It's now also possible to have other beans injected into you Action class with @Autowired on setter(s).