A storyboard is a graphic organizer in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence.
I'm new to iOS development. I've read through some of the source code I've found online and lots of them …
ios storyboard xib nibI have three views (view 1 checks a server connection, view 2 shows the main content, view3 shows the support page) and …
swift uinavigationcontroller storyboard segue viewdidloadBoth on iPhone simulator and iPhone 3GS (iOS 6) I cannot manage to set the orientation to portrait upside down. I …
iphone ios6 storyboard portrait interface-orientationI have created a few buttons and labels using storyboard in XCode 4.6.3 I want to fire some methods on the …
ios objective-c storyboard init initwithcoderStoryboards created with XCode 4.5.1 could not open on XCode 4.2 with the following error message. This document "XXXXX.storyboard" could not …
xcode ios5 storyboard ios6 xcode-storyboardI need to present a viewController as a formSheet when the user taps a 'settings' button in the navigation bar …
ios xcode ipad storyboard presentmodalviewcontrollerHow to set color for background view in UIPageViewController? Is it possible to do this in Storyboard?
ios storyboard uipageviewcontroller xcode7-beta4I just updated the Xcode to version 10.3 (10G8). Now my project is not run with this error: /* com.apple.actool.…
xcode storyboardI am using auto resizing in xcode 6 in UITableview but it is not working properly. I want to use autoresizing.…
uitableview ios7 storyboard xcode6 autoresizingmaskWe have a color animation that blends from red to white. Currently, this is a linear fade. We know we …
wpf animation storyboard timing