Top "Storyboard" questions

A storyboard is a graphic organizer in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence.

Using presentModalViewController with storyboards

I'm fairly new to iOS programming and I'm working on an iPad app that has a Tab Bar Controller with 4 …

ios objective-c authentication storyboard presentmodalviewcontroller
Page Flip animation like iBooks in swift

I have been searching a lot about coding the view transition animation. But I am most interested on the book …

ios swift animation storyboard ibooks
Resizing NSWindow to match view controller size in storyboard

I am working on Xcode 6.1.1 on OSX 10.10. I am trying out storyboards for Mac apps. I have a NSTabViewController using …

macos cocoa storyboard appkit
How To Port an iPhone Application to the iPad (Storyboard)

I just finished my iPhone app and I want to make it Universal. I've read a few posts already but …

ios5 migration port storyboard universal
Storyboard, UIViewController and UISplitViewController

Trying to make storyboard based application for iPad. In it I need to transition from start screen (UIViewController) to main …

uiviewcontroller uisplitviewcontroller storyboard segue
leading or trailing horizontal alignment before iOS 11

Warning: leading or trailing horizontal alignment before iOS 11 I am getting above warning during compilation on Xcode 9.1 on one of …

ios xcode autolayout storyboard safearealayoutguide
iOS - UISplitViewController with storyboard - multiple master views and multiple detail views

I'm trying to put together an iPad app using UISplitViewController and storyboards. The master view starts with a navigation controller …

ios ipad uiviewcontroller storyboard uisplitviewcontroller
Change detail view from MasterDetail iPad app using storyboard

I'm little lost here. I have a basic master-detail aplication, and I want to change the detail view according to …

ios ipad storyboard detailsview master-detail
UIViewController half screen "drawer slide" animation

I am trying to have a UIViewController that appears with a "slide" animation from the right. Not like a Push …

ios uiviewcontroller storyboard segue uiviewanimation
Xcode 7 what is the view "semantic" storyboard setting?

I see that iOS9 and xCode7 introduced a new field called "semantic" into storyboard config. A google search did not …

uiview storyboard semantics ios9 xcode7