The C++ Standard Library, and its namespace.
What's the purpose of boost::to_string (found in boost/exception/to_string.hpp) and how does it differ from …
c++ boost std tostring lexical-castunsigned int updateStandardStopping(unsigned int numInliers, unsigned int totPoints, unsigned int sampleSize) { double max_hypotheses_=85000; double n_inliers = 1.0; double n_…
c++ std numeric-limitsI have a vector<vector<double>, so a table (matrix) of values. Columns contains position and velocity …
c++ c++11 variable-assignment std valarrayCan you combine std::recursive_mutex with std::condition_variable, meaning do something like this: std::unique_lock<std::…
c++ multithreading c++11 std recursive-mutexI have a set like this: set<weak_ptr<Node>, owner_less<weak_ptr<Node&…
c++ c++11 std unordered-set weak-ptrunsigned int Tick = GetTickCount(); This code is running only on Windows, but I want to use the C++ Standard library …
c++ c++11 std chrono gettickcountI recently found boost::multi_index_container and I'm curious about his performance compared to my own implementation of a …
c++ boost std unordered-map boost-multi-indexIn the documentation for std::condition_variable, there is an overload of wait() taking as argument a predicate function. The …
c++ multithreading c++11 std condition-variable