The C++ Standard Library, and its namespace.
I got a library that internally uses Boost's version of shared_ptr and exposes only those. For my application, I'd …
c++ boost shared-ptr stdI was googling a bit and heard that although stdint.h was not shipped with old versions of Visual Studio, …
visual-studio visual-studio-2010 std include-path stdintI would like to define inside a class a constant which value is the maximum possible int. Something like this: …
c++ std constexpr numeric-limitsConsider the following example where we parse data and pass the result to the next function: Content Parse(const std::…
c++ std c++14 boost-optionalWhen trying to answer another Stackoverflow question, I realized that this simple C++11 snippet is implicitly blocking the calling thread: …
c++ multithreading c++11 asynchronous stdWhat is the difference between std::mem_fun and std::mem_fn? Why is the naming so confusing? Boost's documentation …
c++ c++11 std member-functionsI am trying to compile a project with Maven via the Visual C++ compiler and I keep getting linkage errors …
c++ visual-c++ maven std linkageStandard library implements std::hash as a template struct that is specialized for different types. It is used like this: #…
c++ c++11 std c++-standard-library stdhash