Top "Lexical-cast" questions

Very poor boost::lexical_cast performance

Windows XP SP3. Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz. I'm finding the boost::lexical_cast performance to be extremely slow. Wanted to find …

c++ boost lexical-cast
How do I use boost::lexical_cast and std::boolalpha? i.e. boost::lexical_cast< bool >("true")

I've seen some answers to other boost::lexical_cast questions that assert the following is possible: bool b = boost::lexical_…

c++ string boost lexical-cast
How can I extend a lexical cast to support enumerated types?

I have the following function that will convert a string into a numeric data type: template <typename T> …

c++ serialization enums casting lexical-cast
Stringstream to vector<int>

I'm wondering what the best way to write from an std::stringstream into a vector<int>. Here's an …

c++ visual-studio-2010 stringstream lexical-cast
C++ Using classes with boost::lexical_cast

I want to use my Test class with boost::lexical_cast. I have overloaded operator<< and operator>&…

c++ boost lexical-cast
Convert C++Builder AnsiString to std::string via boost::lexical_cast

For a school assignment I have to implement a project in C++ using Borland C++ Builder. As the VCL uses …

c++ boost c++builder lexical-cast
What's the difference between std::to_string, boost::to_string, and boost::lexical_cast<std::string>?

What's the purpose of boost::to_string (found in boost/exception/to_string.hpp) and how does it differ from …

c++ boost std tostring lexical-cast
boost lexical cast string to double

I am facing a conversion issue for which I'd like your help. I'm using gcc4 compiler and I am quite …

c++ lexical-cast atof
How to use the boost lexical_cast library for just for checking input

I use the boost lexical_cast library for parsing text data into numeric values quite often. In several situations however, …

c++ boost lexical-cast