Top "Atof" questions

atof() is the C runtime library function for converting the ASCII representation of a number to a floating point double.

How to convert string to float?

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main() { char s[100] ="4.0800" ; printf("float value : %4.8f\n" ,(float) …

c floating-point type-conversion atof strtod
Converting char* to float or double

I have a value I read in from a file and is stored as a char*. The value is a …

c strtod atof
converting string to a double variable in C

I have written the following code. It should convert a string like "88" to double value 88 and print it void convertType(…

c string double atof
atoi implementation in C

I can't understand the following atoi implementation code, specifically this line: k = (k << 3) + (k << 1) + (*p) - …

c atoi atof
C++ converting string to double using atof

I cannot get the atof() function to work. I only want the user to input values (in the form of …

c++ string double atof
How to convert user input char to Double C++

I'm trying to figure out a method of taking a user input character and converting it to a double. I've …

c++ char double atof
Locale-independent "atof"?

I'm parsing GPS status entries in fixed NMEA sentences, where fraction part of geographical minutes comes always after period. However, …

c++ locale atof
C convert section of char array to double

I want to convert a section of a char array to a double. For example I have: char in_string[] = "4014.84954"; …

c pointers casting char atof
unable to convert contents in argv[] into float[][] in C

I am doing a program where I'm multiplying matricies, but my big issue is converting from the input into the …

c floating-point argv atof
Atof not working?

So I'm writing a program for a school project, and part of it requires having a user put in a …

c++ atof