Top "Gettickcount" questions

GetTickCount() is a function in the Windows API that retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the computer started.

GetTickCount function

I have a question regarding GetTickCount function, I have two calls to this function in my code with several commands …

c time gettickcount
Environment.TickCount is not enough

I want to know on when was the last time the system was started. Environment.TickCount will work but it …

c# .net c#-4.0 environment-variables gettickcount
Elapsed Time with Environment.TickCount() - Avoiding the wrap

Does the absolute value protect the following code from the Environment.TickCount wrap? If Math.Abs((Environment.TickCount And Int32.…

.net rollover gettickcount
Creating a wait using getTickCount in Delphi

I am creating a procedure that I need to run then wait 10 minutes before moving on procedure firstTimeRun(const document: …

delphi timer wait gettickcount
Is there any C++ standard class/function which is similar to GetTickCount() on Windows?

unsigned int Tick = GetTickCount(); This code is running only on Windows, but I want to use the C++ Standard library …

c++ c++11 std chrono gettickcount