Top "Sse2" questions

x86 Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 adds support for packed integer and double-precision floats in the 128-byte XMM vector registers.

SSE2 option in Visual C++ (x64)

I've added x64 configuration to my C++ project to compile 64-bit version of my app. Everything looks fine, but compiler …

c++ visual-studio-2008 optimization 64-bit sse2
SSE instruction set not enabled

I am getting trouble with this error: "SSE instruction set not enabled". How I can figure this out? I have …

c++ intrinsics sse2 sse3
Valgrind and Java

I want to use Valgrind 3.7.0 to find memory leaks in my Java native code. I'm using jdk1.6.0._29. To do that, …

java memory-leaks java-native-interface valgrind sse2
SSE instructions to add all elements of an array

I am new to SSE2 instructions. I have found an instruction _mm_add_epi8 which can add two array elements. …

c++ arrays sse simd sse2
How to test if your Linux Support SSE2

Actually I have 2 questions: Is SSE2 Compatibility a CPU issue or Compiler issue? How to check if your CPU or …

linux unix compiler-construction sse2 itanium
SSE multiplication of 4 32-bit integers

How to multiply four 32-bit integers by another 4 integers? I didn't find any instruction which can do it.

x86 sse simd multiplication sse2
Extended (80-bit) double floating point in x87, not SSE2 - we don't miss it?

I was reading today about researchers discovering that NVidia's Phys-X libraries use x87 FP vs. SSE2. Obviously this will be …

floating-point sse2 x87
#error "SSE2 instruction set not enabled" when including <emmintrin.h>

I´m trying to compile some C++ code with cmake and make that uses the include <emmintrin.h> …

c++ linux cmake intel sse2
Detect the availability of SSE/SSE2 instruction set in Visual Studio

How can I check in code whether SSE/SSE2 is enabled or not by the Visual Studio compiler? I have …

c++ visual-studio x86 sse sse2
Fast counting the number of set bits in __m128i register

I should count the number of set bits of a __m128i register. In particular, I should write two functions …

c sse simd sse2 hammingweight