Top "Intrinsics" questions

Intrinsics functions are used in compiled languages to use specific CPU instructions outside the scope of the language.

Header files for x86 SIMD intrinsics

Which header files provide the intrinsics for the different x86 SIMD instruction set extensions (MMX, SSE, AVX, ...)? It seems impossible …

x86 header-files sse simd intrinsics
What are intrinsics?

Can anyone explain what they are and why I would need them? What kind of applications am I building if …

c++ c intrinsics
SSE instruction set not enabled

I am getting trouble with this error: "SSE instruction set not enabled". How I can figure this out? I have …

c++ intrinsics sse2 sse3
print a __m128i variable

I'm trying to learn to code using intrinsics and below is a code which does addition compiler used: icc #include&…

c assembly sse simd intrinsics
How to use MSVC intrinsics to get the equivalent of this GCC code?

The following code calls the builtin functions for clz/ctz in GCC and, on other systems, has C versions. Obviously, …

c visual-c++ intrinsics
Is there a good reference for ARM Neon intrinsics?

The ARM reference manual doesn't go into too much detail into the individual instructions (…

arm intrinsics neon
How to use VC++ intrinsic functions w/o run-time library

I'm involved in one of those challenges where you try to produce the smallest possible binary, so I'm building my …

c++ visual-c++ intrinsics memset demoscene
Reconstruct 3D-Coordinates in Camera Coordinate System from 2D - Pixels with side condition

I am trying to reconstruct 3D-Coordinates from the 2D-Pixel-Coordinates in a Camera Picture using a side condition (in MatLab). I …

matlab computer-vision projection intrinsics 3d-reconstruction
Equivalent of InterlockedIncrement in Linux/gcc

It would be a very simple question (could be duplicated), but I was unable to find it. Win32 API provides …

c++ c multithreading assembly intrinsics
SSE, intrinsics, and alignment

I've written a 3D vector class using a lot of SSE compiler intrinsics. Everything worked fine until I started to …

c++ alignment sse intrinsics