Top "Intrinsics" questions

Intrinsics functions are used in compiled languages to use specific CPU instructions outside the scope of the language.

Arm Neon Intrinsics vs hand assembly On this site which is quite dated it shows that hand …

arm neon intrinsics
Using SSE instructions with gcc without inline assembly

I am interested in using the SSE vector instructions of x86-64 with gcc and don't want to use any …

c x86-64 sse simd intrinsics
How to check with Intel intrinsics if AVX extensions is supported by the CPU?

I'm writing a program using Intel intrinsics. I want to use _mm_permute_pd intrinsic, which is only available on …

c intel intrinsics
Funnel shift - what is it?

When reading through CUDA 5.0 Programming Guide I stumbled on a feature called "Funnel shift" which is present in 3.5 compute-capable device, …

cuda intrinsics ptx
When should I use _mm_sfence _mm_lfence and _mm_mfence

I read the "Intel Optimization guide Guide For Intel Architecture". However, I still have no idea about when should I …

c++ multithreading x86 intrinsics memory-barriers
How to sum __m256 horizontally?

I would like to horizontally sum the components of a __m256 vector using AVX instructions. In SSE I could use _…

sse vectorization intrinsics avx
Compile C++ code with AVX2/AVX512 intrinsics on AVX

I have production code that has kernels implemented for various SIMD instruction sets, including AVX, AVX2, and AVX512. The code …

c++ gcc cross-compiling intrinsics