Top "Intrinsics" questions

Intrinsics functions are used in compiled languages to use specific CPU instructions outside the scope of the language.

Get member of __m128 by index?

I've got some code, originally given to me by someone working with MSVC, and I'm trying to get it to …

c++ clang sse simd intrinsics
c++ SSE SIMD framework

Does anyone know an open-source C++ x86 SIMD intrinsics library? Intel supplies exactly what I need in their integrated performance …

c++ sse simd intrinsics
How to use the multiply and accumulate intrinsics in ARM Cortex-a8?

how to use the Multiply-Accumulate intrinsics provided by GCC? float32x4_t vmlaq_f32 (float32x4_t , float32x4_t , …

c arm simd intrinsics neon
x86 max/min asm instructions?

Are there any asm instructions that can speed up computation of min/max of vector of doubles/integers on Core …

assembly x86 intrinsics
What are _mm_prefetch() locality hints?

The intrinsics guide says only this much about void _mm_prefetch (char const* p, int i) : Fetch the line of …

c++ x86-64 intrinsics cpu-cache prefetch
Linking error when building without CRT, memcpy and memset intrinsic functions

I'm trying to build an application as tiny as possible, and in doing so I'm trying to avoid use of …

c++ memcpy intrinsics crt memset
Is it possible to cast floats directly to __m128 if they are 16 byte aligned?

Is it safe/possible/advisable to cast floats directly to __m128 if they are 16 byte aligned? I noticed using _mm_…

c++ c alignment sse intrinsics
SIMD and difference between packed and scalar double precision

I am reading Intel's intrinsics guide while implementing SIMD support. I have a few confusions and my questions are as …

c++ x86 sse simd intrinsics
Reference manual/tutorial for SIMD intrinsics?

I'm looking into using these to improve the performance of some code but good documentation seems hard to find for …

simd intrinsics
Intrinsics for CPUID like informations?

Considering that I'm coding in C++, if possible, I would like to use an Intrinsics-like solution to read useful informations …

c++ intrinsics cpuid