IA-64 Itanium (not to be confused with x86-64 / AMD64) is a family of 64-bit Intel microprocessors based on VLIW with explicit instruction-level parallelism, in which the compiler decides which instructions to execute in parallel.
I was on Microsoft's website and noticed two different installers, one for x64 and one for IA-64. Reference:Installing the .…
64-bit x86-64 cpu-architecture itaniumFollowing the answer about assembly registers' sizes: First, what sizes are eax, ax, ah and their counterparts, in the 64-bit …
assembly x86-64 32bit-64bit cpu-registers itaniumActually I have 2 questions: Is SSE2 Compatibility a CPU issue or Compiler issue? How to check if your CPU or …
linux unix compiler-construction sse2 itaniumI frequently encounter these terms and am confused about them. Are they specific to the Processor, or the Operating System, …
x86-64 processor computer-architecture instruction-set itaniumThe vcvarsall.bat that does setup de build environment let you choose between x86 | ia64 | amd64 | x86_amd64 | x86_ia64. …
64-bit x86-64 itanium