Top "Spring-jdbc" questions

Spring JDBC is a part of Data access layer provided by Spring.

Can I ask JDBCTemplate to expand a list parameter for use in an in() clause?

Can I do something like this: select * from mytable m where m.group_id in (?) ... and pass in a list …

java spring jdbc spring-jdbc
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: No value supplied for the SQL parameter

I'm working on Spring JDBC example using the BeanPropertySqlParameterSource and SqlParameterSource. When I run my code I see the following …

java spring-jdbc
Spring JDBC RowMapper usage for eager fetches

The question is about the best practice usage for RowMapper in master/detail scenarios where we want to eagerly fetch …

spring spring-jdbc
Oracle 12c - getting SQL Error: 17410, SQLState: 08000

I am working on the project which used ORACLE 12c db as back-end. and My application is build in java 8. …

java spring-jdbc oracle12c
Timeouts connecting to a Postgres database on Amazon RDS from Azure

I get the following exception in my application after leaving a database connection idle for some amount of time: ... An …

postgresql amazon-rds spring-jdbc spring-boot
Do a DB2 insert with a select and parameters

I want to do something like this: INSERT INTO TABLEA ( COLUMN1, COLUMN2, COLUMN 3 ) SELECT FOOBAR, DOOBAR, ? FROM TABLEB And then …

sql jdbc db2 spring-jdbc
Spring boot "Hikari Pool Shutdown" early error

ERROR: 2018-11-12 18:25:31.221 INFO 3028 --- [ Thread-3] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource : HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated... 2018-11-12 18:25:31.223 INFO 3028 --- [ Thread-3] com.…

spring-boot spring-jdbc hikaricp
Io exception: Oracle Error ORA-12650 in Oracle Cloud

I have been using Oracle cloud PAAS linux server for my DB machine (Oracle 11g) and having linux application server …

java spring oracle11g spring-jdbc oracle-cloud-infrastructure
JDBC Template - One-To-Many

I have a class that looks like this. I need to populate it from two database tables, which are also …

java spring-jdbc
What is JdbcDaoSupport used for?

In Spring, when we are inserting into the database, we can use JdbcDaoSupport or not. My question is, what are …

spring spring-jdbc