Top "Spring-jdbc" questions

Spring JDBC is a part of Data access layer provided by Spring.

NamedParameterJdbcTemplate vs JdbcTemplate

I'm a beginner to Spring3.x , I'm learning Spring DAO support. I want to know the difference between NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and …

java spring jdbc spring-jdbc jdbctemplate
Spring Boot: Jdbc closing inbound before receiving peer's close_notify

I am currently learning more about implementing JDBC and using databases in a Spring Boot webapp, and I encountered the …

mysql spring-boot spring-jdbc jdbctemplate sslexception
Commit on jdbcTemplate or DataSource

I wanted to do commit and rollback using jdbcTemplate. My question is based on this thread How do I commit …

java spring spring-jdbc
invalid name pattern when trying to pass custom oracle type object mapping

I am trying to use Java spring custom Oracle type as a parameter and getting the following error: org.springframework.…

java oracle plsql spring-jdbc oracle-type
How to set autocommit to false in spring jdbc template

Currently I'm setting autocommit to false in spring through adding a property to a datasource bean id like below : <…

spring spring-mvc spring-jdbc spring-transactions
Spring is losing connection to the DB and does not recover or reconnect

I have a spring-boot application on the same host as the Maria DB and both are running fine for some …

spring spring-boot mariadb spring-jdbc
Set default schema = SOMETHING in oracle using Spring Boot and Spring JDBC

I am working now with oracle and spring jdbc but I don't want to use the schema in my sql …

oracle spring-boot spring-jdbc
JdbcTemplate.update() insert return values

JdbcTemplate.update() returns number of rows affected - so you not only know that delete/update was sucessfull, you also …

java spring-mvc db2 spring-jdbc jdbctemplate
How to search string LIKE 'something%' with Java Spring Framework?

I've got a MySQL table with Foos. Each Foo has a numeric non-unique code and a name. Now I need …

java spring jdbctemplate spring-jdbc
How exactly work the Spring RowMapper interface?

I am studying for the Spring Core certification and I have some doubts about how Spring handle the JDBC queries: …

java spring spring-jdbc jdbctemplate