Top "Spring-jdbc" questions

Spring JDBC is a part of Data access layer provided by Spring.

JPA vs Spring JdbcTemplate

For a new project is JPA always the recommended tool for handling relational data or are there scenarios where Spring …

java spring jpa jdbctemplate spring-jdbc
Spring boot fails to load DataSource using PostgreSQL driver

I have successfully developed a prototype using Spring Boot 1.0.2.RELEASE (was 1.0.1.RELEASE until today). I have searched and searched and …

postgresql spring-data-jpa spring-jdbc spring-boot
How to manage database connection pool in spring jpa?

I am using spring-boot in my web application and use spring-jpa to read/write from/to my database. It works …

java spring hibernate spring-data-jpa spring-jdbc
Getting "Invalid column type" excecption, while using NamedParameterJDBCTemplate for insertion

I am using below code while inserting a row into database(oracle 10g xe,jar: ojdbc14.jar) String sql = "INSERT …

spring spring-mvc oracle10g jdbctemplate spring-jdbc
How can I config to turn off autocommit in Spring + JDBC?

I am using Spring with JDBC and found that it is autocommit. How can I config to turn it off …

java spring jdbc spring-jdbc
Spring JdbcTemplate - Insert blob and return generated key

From the Spring JDBC documentation, I know how to insert a blob using JdbcTemplate final File blobIn = new File("spring2004.…

java jdbctemplate spring-jdbc
How to use a list of string in NamedParameterJDBCTemplate to get results

Experimenting with Spring-JDBC. I am using this as reference. I am trying to get a list of actors who have …

java spring spring-jdbc
Spring Security circular bean dependency

I'm currently working on a Vaadin spring application. According to the app specifications, authentication/authorization of the users must be …

java spring spring-security vaadin spring-jdbc
Some doubts about RowMapper use in JDBC in a Spring Framework application

I am studying how to execute query on a database using JDBC in Spring Framework. I am following this tutorial: …

java spring spring-mvc jdbc spring-jdbc
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name

I cannot figure out why I am getting "Invalid column name" here. We have tried a variant of the sql …

java oracle jdbc spring-jdbc jdbctemplate