How to use a list of string in NamedParameterJDBCTemplate to get results

Mono Jamoon picture Mono Jamoon · Jan 21, 2013 · Viewed 55.8k times · Source

Experimenting with Spring-JDBC. I am using this as reference. I am trying to get a list of actors who have the same last name. Running this code gave me the desired results:

public List<String> getActorsWithSameLastName(String lastName,
            NamedParameterJdbcTemplate template) {
        Map<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        paramMap.put("LASTNAME", lastName);
        return template.queryForList(query, paramMap, String.class);

I have a List<String> of last names. How can I get a List of actors with the list that I have? Do I iterate over the list of last names and call the getActorsWithSameLastName() everytime or does spring provide a way where it does the iteration and fetches the result for me? Please advice.


Shashi picture Shashi · Jan 21, 2013

Use IN Clause..

How to use SELECT IN clause in JDBCTemplates?

List<String> lastnames= new ArrayList<>();

Map namedParameters = Collections.singletonMap("lastnamevalues", lastnames);

StringBuffer recordQueryString = new StringBuffer();

recordQueryString.append("select FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME from ACTORS where lastname in (:lastnamevalues)");

List nameInvolvements = this.namedparameterJdbcTemplate.query(recordQueryString.toString(), namedParameters, new MyMapper());