Top "Spring-jdbc" questions

Spring JDBC is a part of Data access layer provided by Spring.

What is proper way to use PreparedStatementCreator of Spring JDBC?

As per my understanding the use of PreparedStatement in Java is we can use it multiple times. But I have …

spring prepared-statement jdbctemplate spring-jdbc
Could not autowire. There is more than one bean of 'DataSource' type

I'm trying to Autowire a database by @Autowired private DataSource dataSource; I have one datasource in my application.yml spring: …

spring intellij-idea spring-boot spring-jdbc
Spring's Stored Procedure - results coming back from procedure always empty

I am using Spring's JdbcTemplate and StoredProcedure classes. I am having trouble getting the stored procedure class to work for …

java oracle stored-procedures jdbc spring-jdbc
multiple one-to-many relations ResultSetExtractor

Let's say I have an object with two different one-to-many relations. Much like: Customer 1<->M Brands and …

java spring jdbc jdbctemplate spring-jdbc
Comparing Querydsl, jOOQ, JEQUEL, activejdbc, iciql and other query DSLs

Can someone point me to some resources about the performance comparison among the different Query DSL libraries available for using …

java performance spring-jdbc querydsl jooq
jdbctemplate count queryForInt and pass multiple parameters

How can I pass multiple parameters in jdbcTemplate queryForInt to get the count. I have tried this, Integer count = this.…

java spring-jdbc jdbctemplate
Difference Between Spring JDBC Vs Plain JDBC?

What is the main difference between Spring JDBC VS JDBC?

java spring jdbc spring-jdbc springsource
insert row and get generated ID

I'm trying to use Spring's JdbcTemplate class to insert a row into a MySQL table named transaction and get the …

java jdbctemplate spring-jdbc
ResultSet vs RowSet: Which one to choose and when?

So I'm aware of some relative differences i.e., the ResultSet has an 'open connection' to the database whereas a …

java spring jdbc spring-jdbc rowset
Spring Boot JDBC Template SQL Log

I am trying log SQL queries with params for Spring Boot JDBC but it is not printing the details in …

java spring-boot log4j spring-jdbc