Oracle 12c - getting SQL Error: 17410, SQLState: 08000

Tej Kiran picture Tej Kiran · Oct 24, 2016 · Viewed 17.7k times · Source

I am working on the project which used ORACLE 12c db as back-end. and My application is build in java 8. It was working fine since last few month. But suddenly client got an error

SQL Error: 17410, SQLState: 08000
No more data to read from socket. 

I searched about the issue, so I found the following solutions related to the 11g not for 12c...

Case 1: When using two JDBC connections accessing the same Oracle database, “SqlException : No more data to read from socket” thrown.

This is because your database doesn’t support connection sharing, or it’s a dedicated server that will not respond to different clients.

Solution: (same to 1 but manual work):

open $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
restart database and listener

BUT I am not running two jdbc connections.

Case 2: If you are using java this might helo you: java/jdk1.6.0_31/jre/lib/security/ change securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom to securerandom.source=file:///dev/urandom

Anyone can give the correct reason of this issue and which solution will be best to resolve the issue, so that in future we will not get this again.

Update: I have two separate application that deal with same db. One is a service that create pending items to be process and saving in DB and client is pick the pending item from db and process it. and both runs in separate JVM.
