Top "Spline" questions

A spline is a sufficiently smooth polynomial function that is piecewise-defined, and possesses a high degree of smoothness at the places where the polynomial pieces connect

how to draw smooth curve through N points using javascript HTML5 canvas?

For a drawing application, I'm saving the mouse movement coordinates to an array then drawing them with lineTo. The resulting …

javascript canvas html5-canvas bezier spline
How to perform cubic spline interpolation in python?

I have two lists to describe the function y(x): x = [0,1,2,3,4,5] y = [12,14,22,39,58,77] I would like to perform cubic spline interpolation …

python scipy interpolation spline cubic-spline
How do I implement a Bézier curve in C++?

I'd like to implement a Bézier curve. I've done this in C# before, but I'm totally unfamiliar with the …

c++ math interpolation spline
Spline Interpolation with Python

I wrote the following code to perform a spline interpolation: import numpy as np import scipy as sp x1 = [1., 0.88, 0.67, 0.50, 0.35, 0.27, 0.18, 0.11, 0.08, 0.04, 0.04, 0.02] y1 = [0., 13.99, 27.99, 41.98, 55.98, 69.97, 83.97, 97.97, 111.96, 125.96, 139.95, 153.95] …

python interpolation spline cubic
Are there any good libraries for solving cubic splines in C++?

I'm looking for a good C++ library to give me functions to solve for large cubic splines (on the order …

c++ spline
How does the centripetal Catmull–Rom spline work?

From this site, which seems to have the most detailed information about Catmull-Rom splines, it seems that four points are …

c++ opengl graphics directx spline
Cubic Spline Program

I'm trying to write a cubic spline interpolation program. I have written the program but, the graph is not coming …

matlab matrix interpolation spline
Closest point on a cubic Bezier curve?

How can I find the point B(t) along a cubic Bezier curve that is closest to an arbitrary point …

graphics geometry bezier spline curve
Smoothing a hand-drawn curve

I've got a program that allows users to draw curves. But these curves don't look nice - they look wobbly …

c# bezier spline smoothing
Proper implementation of cubic spline interpolation

I was using one of the proposed algorithms out there but the results are very bad. I implemented the wiki …

java c++ interpolation spline cubic