Top "Sensors" questions

Tag for questions about sensors, often used on integrated circuits and electronic devices to sense and measure external environmental variables.

How do I use the Google Maps API GPS sensor?

All I've been able to find is how to specify the sensor parameter:…

gps google-maps sensors
DHT22 Sensor import Adafruit_DHT error

So I've properly attached DHT22 Humidity Sensor to my BeagleBone Black Rev C. I'm running OS Mavericks on my MacBook …

python import terminal sensors beagleboneblack
how to get device 's temperature in android

I want to get temperature from device. but I don t know how I can do. please help me writing …

android sensors temperature
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame

When you use TYPE_MAGNETOMETER sensor, you get X, Y, Z values of magnetic field strength in relation to the …

android sensors android-sensors magnetometer
Remove gravity from raw accelerometer data of IMU--> please approve math and algo

I am using this device ( and have successfully implemented an quite well working orientation estimation …

accelerometer sensors gravity
Display an Android Sensors List

I'm trying to display a list of available sensors but it's like there are not! I was thinking that it …

android sensors
Getting NAN-Readings from DHT-11 Sensor

I am trying to read temperature and humidity from a DHT-11 sensor with a arduino uno R3 #include <DHT.…

arduino sensors arduino-uno
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off

I'm developing an application for my final thesis on computer science, and I need to collect and log accelerometer data. …

android screen accelerometer sensors
BLE gatttool cannot connect even though device is discoverable with hcitool lescan

I'm running RPi with a USB Bluetooth dongle. When I use hcitool, I can discover the SmartTag device. But when …

raspberry-pi bluetooth-lowenergy sensors hci gatt
Printing the enum's name

I'm using eclipse + Android SDK on ubuntu. I would like to print the name of a sensor type device, there …

java android enums sensors android-logcat