Top "Sensors" questions

Tag for questions about sensors, often used on integrated circuits and electronic devices to sense and measure external environmental variables.

Send IR values using infrared emitter led on Arduino

i have Arduino Mega and an IR Emitting LED and i want to send data "Hex Data" that i choose …

arduino sensors infrared
iPhone Temperature Sensor

My question is very similar to this one: iPhone Proximity Sensor. There's clearly some manner of thermometer within the iPhone …

iphone api sensors
Android - how do sensor readings affect battery life

i have added a feature in my app that uses the proximity and accelerometer sensors (the second is to detect …

android sensors battery
Using orientation sensor to point towards a specific location

I'm trying to implement an arrow that uses the orientation sensor in order to point towards a specific location. Google …

android location orientation compass-geolocation sensors
Sensor fusion implemented on Android?

I listened to this talk: which is Invensense Inc prototyping …

android accelerometer sensors gravity gyroscope
How should I calculate azimuth, pitch, orientation when my Android device isn't flat?

I'm using the Android gravity and magnetic field sensors to calculate orientation via SensorManager.getRotationMatrix and SensorManager.getOrientation. This gives …

android orientation sensors
Need to calculate rotation-vector from Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION data

I need to calculate a rotation vector out of the data i get from Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION. The sensor data …

android opengl-es vector matrix sensors
How do Get the specific values of Light Sensor

I have just started learning android. I have develop a program named Android Light Sensor that measure the Intensity of …

android sensors light
Accessing the ambient light sensor in iOS

I'm working on a project in which it is really necessary to access the ambient light sensor. I searched a …

ios sensors light ambient
access (faster polling) accelerometer via NativeActivity NDK

I've searched for a tutorial/an answer on polling accelerometer faster with NDK but didnt find solver yet. just found …

android android-ndk native accelerometer sensors