Top "Scaladoc" questions

Scaladoc is a documentation generation system which reads specially formatted comments in Scala source code and generates compiled documentation.

How to disambiguate links to methods in scaladoc?

I'm documenting a Scala class with overloaded methods. How can I distinguish them when referring to them in scaladoc comments? …

scala scala-2.10 scaladoc method-names disambiguation
How to disable ScalaDoc generation in dist task in Play 2.2.x (using project/build.scala)?

Adding the following settings to the build.sbt file of a Play 2.2.x app does not disable Scaladoc generation. How …

sbt playframework-2.2 sbt-native-packager scaladoc
Where to download the latest Scala API documentation?

Since Scala 2.10.2, I can't find the download link for its API documentation. Is this an intentional omission? Where can I …

scala scaladoc
Where to find tutorials for scaladoc 2?

I binged or googled for scaladoc 2.0 tutorial or example, I could not find anything, in fact not even a link …

scala scaladoc