Top "Method-names" questions

method name not printing correctly in log4j logger in Java

My log happens in getParam() method. but it is logged as main method. And I have three objects, but I …

java logging log4j method-names
Use of special characters in function names

In Ruby, a standard convention is to use a question mark at the end of a method name to indicate …

programming-languages naming-conventions special-characters method-names
How to disambiguate links to methods in scaladoc?

I'm documenting a Scala class with overloaded methods. How can I distinguish them when referring to them in scaladoc comments? …

scala scala-2.10 scaladoc method-names disambiguation
Is there a technical difference between the terms "length" and "size" (in programming, of course)?

Possible Duplicate: count vs length vs size in a collection In Java in particular, on Strings, you call string.length(), …

java object terminology method-names
Is there a particular naming convention for Java methods that throw exceptions?

I'm tempted to add a suffix like "Ex" to differentiate methods (with similar signatures) that throw Exceptions from those that …

java coding-style method-names