How to disambiguate links to methods in scaladoc?

Petr picture Petr · Mar 13, 2013 · Viewed 10.5k times · Source

I'm documenting a Scala class with overloaded methods. How can I distinguish them when referring to them in scaladoc comments? For example, if I have

 * The most important method is [[]].
object Doc {
  def foo[A]: A = throw new UnsupportedOperationException;
  def foo[A,B >: A](x: A): B = x;

and run sbt doc I get

Doc.scala:1: warning: The link target "" is ambiguous. Several (possibly overloaded) members fit the target:

  • method foo[A,B>:A](x:A):B in object Doc [chosen]
  • method foo[A]:Nothing in object Doc

Using foo[A,B >: A] etc. to the link doesn't work.


Brian Hsu picture Brian Hsu · Mar 14, 2013

The following seems do the trick in Scala 2.10.

 * The most important method is [[[A]:A*]].

And here is some hint scaladoc gives me:

[warn] Quick crash course on using Scaladoc links
[warn] ==========================================
[warn] Disambiguating terms and types: Prefix terms with '$' and types with '!' in case both names are in use:
[warn]  - [[scala.collection.immutable.List!.apply class List's apply method]] and
[warn]  - [[scala.collection.immutable.List$.apply object List's apply method]]
[warn] Disambiguating overloaded members: If a term is overloaded, you can indicate the first part of its signature followed by *:
[warn]  - [[[scala.collection.immutable.List$.fill[A](Int)(⇒A):List[A]* Fill with a single parameter]]]
[warn]  - [[[scala.collection.immutable.List$.fill[A](Int,Int)(⇒A):List[List[A]]* Fill with a two parameters]]]
[warn] Notes: 
[warn]  - you can use any number of matching square brackets to avoid interference with the signature
[warn]  - you can use \. to escape dots in prefixes (don't forget to use * at the end to match the signature!)
[warn]  - you can use \# to escape hashes, otherwise they will be considered as delimiters, like dots.