Top "Playframework-2.2" questions

Play is based on a lightweight, stateless, web-friendly architecture and features predictable and minimal resource consumption (CPU, memory, threads) for highly-scalable applications.

Convert JsonNode object to Map

I have a C# program that sends me a json object. I'm making a Java Play website to capture the …

java json jackson playframework-2.2
Convert any Scala object to JSON

I am using latest version of Play Framework and it's JSON lib like this Json.toJson(obj). But toJson is …

json scala playframework playframework-2.2
Using POST routes parameters in Play Framework

I have a login route that should transmit its input parameters as POST variables. I have defined my route like …

playframework playframework-2.2
Play Framework 2.2 : Get URL of the requesting page

PLAY FRAMEWORK JAVA: I am trying to get the name of the URL that requested the controller function. For example , …

java playframework playframework-2.2
Play Framework: Redirect to controller method with arguments

I am building a web application with PLAY framework 2.2.1 and am trying to display all available http get query parameters …

java playframework http-get playframework-2.2
Defaults for missing properties in play 2 JSON formats

I have an equivalent of the following model in play scala : case class Foo(id:Int,value:String) object Foo{ …

json scala playframework-2.2
Play framework 2.2.1: Create Http.Context for tests

I've been trying to create an Http.Context for tests using its constructor unsuccessfully. Does anybody see what I'm doing …

java unit-testing playframework playframework-2.2
When to use Actors vs Futures?

I am currently working on a Play! project that has the following architecture: Controllers -> Services (actors) -> …

akka playframework-2.2
How to read a file in Play Framework 2.2.1?

I have a static file that I want to read in one of my Play Framework models. The file contains …

scala playframework playframework-2.2
How to serialize Scala Map to Json in PlayFramework?

Looks like Play Json Library is unable to serialize Scala Collections. Is there any alternative. I just need to dump …

json scala playframework-2.2