Top "Rhino-mocks" questions


How to mock the Request on Controller in ASP.Net MVC?

I have a controller in C# using the ASP.Net MVC framework public class HomeController:Controller{ public ActionResult Index() { if (… unit-testing mocking rhino-mocks moq
What are the differences between mocks and stubs on Rhino Mocks?

I haven't play enough with this and usually use mocks, but I wonder what are the differences between this two …

mocking rhino-mocks
Mocking Controller Context

So the controller context depends on some internals. What are some ways to cleanly mock these up for … unit-testing mocking moq rhino-mocks
Rhino Mocks step-by-step tutorials

I realise that there exist some posts such as this one which have asked the same question. However, the links …

tdd rhino-mocks rhino-mocks-3.5
Mocking Static methods using Rhino.Mocks

Is it possible to mock a static method using Rhino.Mocks? If Rhino does not support this, is there a …

c# tdd mocking rhino-mocks
Rhino Mocks - Stub .Expect vs .AssertWasCalled

OK, I know there has been a lot of confusion over the new AAA syntax in Rhino Mocks, but I …

How to Mock a Task<> Result?

I'm setting up some unit tests and using Rhino Mocks to populate the object being tested. One of the things …

c# task-parallel-library rhino-mocks
Best Practices of Test Driven Development Using C# and RhinoMocks

In order to help my team write testable code, I came up with this simple list of best practices for …

c# unit-testing tdd rhino-mocks
How to use Rhino.Mocks AssertWasCalled() correctly?

I call _mocks.ReplayAll(), then one or more _mockedObject.AssertWasCalled() and then _mocks.VerifyAll(). But it tells me that "This …

c# nunit rhino-mocks assert
Is there an in-memory provider for Entity Framework?

I am unit testing code written against the ADO .NET Entity Framework. I would like to populate an in-memory database …

entity-framework rhino-mocks