Top "Rhino-mocks" questions


How to Construct IdentityResult With Success == true

I have a class with Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.UserManager injected, and I want to expect the userManager.CreateAsync(user, password) …

c# rhino-mocks
What is the difference between Version and 'Runtime Version' in .Net?

When I open the properties window of one of the referenced dlls in my project in Visual Studio I see …

.net runtime version rhino-mocks .net-assembly
RhinoMocks - Not specifying all parameters in AssertWasCalled

I am using RhinoMocks. Now I want to assert that some function was called, but I only care about one …

c# unit-testing rhino-mocks
Rhino Mocks - Using Arg.Matches

I have a function I am mocking which takes an argument object as a parameter. I want to return a …

c# .net unit-testing rhino-mocks
Rhino Mocks receive argument, modify it and return?

I'm trying to write something like this: myStub.Stub(_ => _.Create(Arg<Invoice>.It.Anything)).Callback(i => { …

c# .net rhino-mocks
How to create a stub with Moq

How do I creat a pure stub using Moq? With Rhino Mocks I did it like this: [TestFixture] public class …

c# nunit moq rhino-mocks
Stub one method of class and let other real methods use this stubbed one

I have a TimeMachine class which provides me current date/time values. The class looks like this: public class TimeMachine { …

c# mocking rhino-mocks stub
How to clear previous expectations on an object?

I would like to set up a return value _stubRepository.Stub(Contains(null)).IgnoreArguments().Return(true); but then in a …

.net rhino-mocks
Mocking a Using with a FileStream

I have been trying to mock out a using with a file stream but have not been able to complete …

c# rhino-mocks
Rhino Mocks - Difference between GenerateStub<T> & GenerateMock<T>

Can any of the Rhino experts explain me by giving a suitable example of the difference between the above methods …

unit-testing rhino-mocks